Alcatel 4400 Quick Reference Commands
- By directory number >tradna
- By physical address >tradph % tradpn %
- By equipment number >tradeq % tradnp %
- By index >tabeqt
- Reset of a coupler > rstcpl
- Reset of a terminal >reinit
- Reset of DSP or embedded cpl (CPU6) >rstdspcpl
- Out-of-service coupler >outserv
- In-service coupler >inserv
- Cyclical tests >tcyc, tcpl, taux, ltcyc
- Downloading state >downstat
- FBC and HE software download >hedownload
- Read coupler binaries version >readhead % read_head %
- Set numeric phone sets date >setdate % term_date %
- state of cristal clock >clockstat
- All coupler’s status >config
- one coupler’s status and data >cplstat % varcpl %
- Equipment data >eqstat % tabneph %
- Terminal status >termstat % term_data %
- Trunk status >trkstat % trunk_state %
- INT-INT connexion >intent % int_sort %
- TS status US-USCVG or IR-IRC >tsus % itusstat %
- TS status between 2 INT >tsint % itintstat %
- TS status on IO1 card >tsio1 % itio1stat %
- TS status between 5400-5400C >ts5400 % ts_5400 %
- TS status between 4600-GNISC >ts4600 % ts_2600 %
- US shelve status >usstat % ges_us %
- 5400 shelve visualization >aux5400 % aux_5400 %
- 5400 shelve visualization >aux4600 % aux_2600 %
- DSP status on a coupler >dspstat % varcpl_dsp %
- Coupler traffic counter >traffic
- Vocal guides status on coupler >vgstat % varcpl_vg %
- Voice mail accesses status >vmail % sympac %
- Operators status >opstat % trafficop %
- Operators real-time supervisor >opsup
- Display of terminals >listerm % list_terms %
- List of the isolated resources >listout % list_outserv %
- List of forwarded terminals >listfwd % list_fwd %
- List of terminals in DND state >listdnd
- Synchronization Data >infocs
- Timer table display >tabtemp
- Data terminal information >zdata
- Telephonic traces >mtracer, tuner, trc
- Keys of digital sets >readkey
- Topology and network visualization >suproutage
- Network administration >netadmin
- IP/X25 tunnel state >tunstat
- IP/X25 tunnel parameters >tunconfig list
- Test ping >ping
- Remote login >rlogin
- X25 diagnostic >x25diag % poucet decod %
- VPN overflow configuration >lookvpn
- Route list configuration >lookars
- Display VPN calls >vpnstat
- Reset of hybrid links >rsthyb
- Numerotation en arrive >looknumin
- Incidents message visualization >incvisu % recup %
- Incidents Reset >increset % razfile %
- Incidents temporary output choice >incout % sortie %
- Incidents counters visualization >inccpt % nbfault %
- Stop incidents screen display >incstop % stopinc %
- Restart incidents screen display >incstart % startinc %
- Incidents documentation >incinfo % info_incid %
- Couplers alarms visualization >cplalrm % visu_alrm %
- Alarm relay management >alarmrel % relala, relalaoff %
- Backtraces visualization >excvisu % recupexc %
- Network incidents visualization >netvisu % incires %
- role of the CPU’s >role or role -b
- switch over on the twin CPU >bascul
- duplication of twin CPU >twin % secours %
- copy database to twin CPU >mastercopy % dupcopy %
- copy database from master CPU >mastercopy
- Dect global informations >dectinfo
- Dect installation >dectinston % dect_debinst %
- Remove a handset IPUI >dectrm % dect_desinst %
- Dect localization area display >dectarea % dect_area %
- Dect coupler isolation >dectisolon, dectisoloff % dect_debisol, dect_finisol %
- List of Dect handsets configured >dectsets % dect_sets %
- Dect status >dectview % dect_view %
- Handset observation >dectobs % decthsobs %
- Restart Dect application >dectrestart
- Display string references on Tiny >stringref
- Put out of service a DECT Base station outserv ‘bs’ cr cpl bs_nbr
- Put out of service a DECT ADPCM Block >outserv ‘dsp’ cr cpl dsp_nbr
- Put out of service a DECT coupler >outserv cr cpl
- Put out of service a DECT Handset >outserv <directory>
- Put in service one of the previous equipment change ‘outserv’ to ‘inserv’
- Coherency data base test >dbdump
- Data base recover >dbrecover
- Initrem blank check >checkdb
- Did translator test >didtest % did_test %
- Multi line tool >multitool
- Subscriber edition >edsbr
- Abbreviated number edition >edabv
- Numbering plan edition >ednump
- Mao acces management >mao
- Last mao modification >maohist % edihist %
- Data base management >mgr
- Site identification >siteid
- OPS files presence >test_ops
- cql server traces >srvtrace
- Centralized voice mail init >initmevo
- Edition of initmevo results >initmevo_res
- Broadcast management >progdiff % prog_diff %
- Network consistency check >audit
- Ticket stored visualization >accview % afscope %
- Accounting management >account
- Erase accounting tickets >accreset
- Financial report printing >accreport % printmgr %
- Vocal guide substitution tone >mdvgtona
- Vocal guide multi langage display >vgmulti % msg_vg_multi %
- Vocal guide start begin display >vgstart % msg_vg_start %
- Active vocal guide display >vgemis % neqt_vg_emis %
- Vocal guides status on coupler >vgstat
- Vocal guides and tones display >vgton % tona_vg %
- Tones generator coupler >cplton % num_cpl_tona %
- Unix processes visualization >ps
- Chorus actors visualization >al -l
- Change password >passwd
- CPU idle time (CPU traffic) >idle
- Network administration >netadmin
- Restart immediately the system >shutdown -i
- Stop immediately the system >shutdown -ih
- System start trace management >traceboot
- Memory occupation >vmstat
- Hard disk occupation >df
- Repertory occupation >du
- Test ping >ping
- Remote login >rlogin
- Software server management >bootserv
- CPU Hardware characteristics >uhwconf
- Crontab display >cfgCron
- Site identification >siteid
- Compatibilities problem detection >allcompat
- Informations about twin CPU version >twincompat
- Informations about Chorus and BIOS version >syscompat
- Hotel tools >hotdebug
- Traffic observation >obsappli
- Datas of entities >entitystat % tb_entite %
- Table of operators >tabopcstat % tabopc %
- Groups of operators >grpopestat % tb_gpe_ope %
- Prorities associated to calls >pcotstat % tb_prio_pcot %
- Call distribution tables >cdtstat % tb_cdt %
- Operator Distribution lists >distristat % tb_file %
- List of pilots >tabpil
- Display pilot data >pilacd
- Display queue list >piwqlist
- Display queue and processing group list >piwqpg
- Display parameters of a routing direction >piwq
- Display destination contexts data >pildstctx
- Reset the acdv2 ressource waiting queue >razpil
- Display pilots of Emergency Closure lists >emerlist
- List of queue >tabwq
- Display queue data >wqacd
- Display processing group list >wqpglist
- Display pilot list >wqpilist
- Display resource selection params of distribution dir >wqpg
- Reset the waiting queue >razwq
- List of processing groups >tabpg
- Display processing group data >pgacd
- Display queue list >pgwqlist
- Display call selection params of distribution dir >pgwq
- List of affected agent >logag
- List of attached agent >attag
- Display dynamic state of affected agent >istag
- Display or update agent order number data file >readfile
- Display dialog context data >pgctx
- List of agent >tabag
- Display agent parameters >agacd
- Display parameters of a pilot rule >pilotrule
- Display parameters of a distribution rule >distrirule
- Display dynamic state of rules (pilot and distribution) >rule
- Display acd configuration >acdsup
- Reset the waiting queue average wait >razam
- Display Waiting Time Dependant table >tabwtd
- Display specific acd dynamic data for trunk >zacd
- Display csta monitoring of trunk group >cstatrk
- Display the trunk group limitation table >trklimit
- Reset the busy IT counter >razlimit
- Reset the trunk group ACD call counter >raztrkacd
- Display dialog context data >ctxacd
- Display dialog contexts list >tabctx
- Display dialog contexts list for a node >tabnodectx
- Display dialog contexts waiting an acknownlegment >ctxretry
- Change dialog context state >ctxstate
- Send message between contexts >ctxsendmsg
- Display interactive queueing table >csta
- Display the list of pilot statistic >tabpilstat
- Display pilot statistic data >pilstat